Hotéis de alto luxo mundial em açoes solidárias em suas comunidades locais: The Beverly Hills Hotel e Hotel bel Air, Hotel Principe di Savoia, Hotel Eden Roma.

Hotéis da Dorchester Collection criam ações solidárias para ajudar suas comunidades locais.

Durante esse período em que o mundo está vivendo, os hotéis da Dorchester Collection, estão criando ações solidárias para ajudar de diversas formas suas comunidades locais.

Em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos, o The Beverly Hills Hotel e Hotel Bel-Air já doaram milhares de refeições para as seguintes organizações e comunidades: Socorristas e pessoal médico em Los Angeles e Beverly Hills, Children’s Hospital de Los Angeles, profissionais da indústria da hospitalidade que tenham sido demitidos ou com salários reduzidos, St. John’s Hospital em Santa Monica, Centro Médico UCLA Ronald Reagan, Veteranos sem-teto através do Veteran Affairs em Los Angeles e doaram milhares de dólares em produtos não perecíveis à Hollywood Food Coalition.

Adicionalmente, o The Beverly Hills Hotel, pela primeira vez em mais de 70 anos, alterou sua icônica fachada, pois sentiram que era importante agradecer sinceramente aos heróis da saúde que continuamente colocam suas vidas em risco para proteger a comunidade.

Os funcionários do Hotel Principe di Savoia, localizado em Milão, se ofereceram para fazer compras para pessoas carentes, incluindo idosos e pessoas com problemas de saúde graves que não podem sair de casa. E a grande maioria dos funcionários do hotel prometeu uma parte de seu salário para ajudar o hospital Policlinico Ca 'Granda em Milão. O chef Alessandro Buffolino também se comprometeu a ser voluntário na cozinha da Cruz Vermelha para ajudar a preparar refeições para trabalhadores essenciais da Itália.

Hotel Principe di Savoia também está apoiando uma escola local para crianças com deficiência, La Nostra Comunità, com uma série de vídeos projetados para manter as crianças motivadas e inspiradas. Além disso, o hotel doou alimentos e suprimentos necessários para instituições de caridade destinadas aos desabrigados na Itália, incluindo a Caritas Ambrosiana Milano.

O centenário Hotel Eden, sediado em Roma, está ajudando sete famílias necessitadas, oferecendo-lhes cestas básicas personalizadas e produtos essenciais. Voluntários da equipe do hotel vão toda quarta-feira entregar as compras de supermercado a essas famílias carentes com a ajuda da Parrocchia de Santa Lúcia (no momento, fornecerão este apoio pelos próximos três meses). Os funcionários do hotel também doaram espontaneamente 3.307 euros de seus salários à Cruz Vermelha Italiana e no dia 4 de Maio um centro temporário de doação de sangue foi organizado para que a equipe doasse sangue a favor da Cruz Vermelha Italiana.

Dorchester Collection

O portfólio atual inclui os seguintes hotéis: The Dorchester, Londres; 45 Park Lane, Londres; Coworth Park, Ascot, Reino Unido; Le Meurice, Paris; Hôtel Plaza Athénée, Paris; Hotel Principe di Savoia, Milão; Hotel Eden, Roma; The Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills; e Hotel Bel-Air, em Los Angeles.

Dorchester Collection hotels create solidarity actions to help their local communities.
During this so dramatic period in which the world is living, the Dorchester Collection hotels are creating solidarity actions to help their local communities in different ways.
In Los Angeles, The United States, The Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air have donated thousands of meals to the following organizations and communities: Rescuers and medical personnel in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, industry professionals of hospitality who have been laid off or reduced wages, St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center, Homeless Veterans through Veteran Affairs in Los Angeles and donated thousands of dollars in non-perishable goods to the Hollywood Food Coalition.
Additionally, The Beverly Hills Hotel, for the first time in more than 70 years, changed its iconic facade, as they felt it was important to sincerely thank the health heroes who continually put their lives at risk to protect the community.
Staff at the Hotel Principe di Savoia, located in Milan, offered to shop for people in need, including the elderly and people with serious health problems who cannot leave the house. And the vast majority of hotel staff pledged a portion of their salary to help the Policlinico Ca 'Granda hospital in Milan. Chef Alessandro Buffolino has also pledged to volunteer in the Red Cross kitchen to help prepare meals for essential workers in Italy. .
Hotel Principe di Savoia is also supporting a local school for children with disabilities, La Nostra Comunità, with a series of videos designed to keep children motivated and inspired. In addition, the hotel donated necessary food and supplies to charities for the homeless in Italy, including Caritas Ambrosiana Milano.
The centenary Hotel Eden, based in Rome, is helping seven families in need, offering them personalized basic baskets and essential products. Volunteers from the hotel staff go every Wednesday to deliver grocery shopping to these needy families with the help of Parrocchia de Santa Lucia (at the moment, they will provide this support for the next three months). The hotel staff also spontaneously donated 3,307 euros of their salaries to the Italian Red Cross and on May 4 a temporary blood donation center was organized for the team to donate blood in favor of the Italian Red Cross.
De Sao Paulo Ovadia Saadia

Dorchester Collection hotels create solidarity actions to help their local communities.
During this period in which the world is living, the Dorchester Collection hotels are creating solidarity actions to help their local communities in different ways.

In Los Angeles, The United States, The Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air have donated thousands of meals to the following organizations and communities: Rescuers and medical personnel in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, industry professionals of hospitality who have been laid off or reduced wages, St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center, Homeless Veterans through Veteran Affairs in Los Angeles and donated thousands of dollars in non-perishable goods to the Hollywood Food Coalition.
Additionally, The Beverly Hills Hotel, for the first time in more than 70 years, changed its iconic facade, as they felt it was important to sincerely thank the health heroes who continually put their lives at risk to protect the community.
Staff at the Hotel Principe di Savoia, located in Milan, offered to shop for people in need, including the elderly and people with serious health problems who cannot leave the house. And the vast majority of hotel staff pledged a portion of their salary to help the Policlinico Ca 'Granda hospital in Milan. Chef Alessandro Buffolino has also pledged to volunteer in the Red Cross kitchen to help prepare meals for essential workers in Italy. .
Hotel Principe di Savoia is also supporting a local school for children with disabilities, La Nostra Comunità, with a series of videos designed to keep children motivated and inspired. In addition, the hotel donated necessary food and supplies to charities for the homeless in Italy, including Caritas Ambrosiana Milano.
The centenary Hotel Eden, based in Rome, is helping seven families in need, offering them personalized basic baskets and essential products. Volunteers from the hotel staff go every Wednesday to deliver grocery shopping to these needy families with the help of Parrocchia de Santa Lucia (at the moment, they will provide this support for the next three months). The hotel staff also spontaneously donated 3,307 euros of their salaries to the Italian Red Cross and on May 4 a temporary blood donation center was organized for the team to donate blood in favor of the Italian Red Cross.
De Sao Paulo, Ovadia Saadia
